Response to TPI Chart

The chart above is my result of taking the TPI test. Overall my scores are really close but the scores in transmission and development parts seem low while the scores of nurturing and social reforming are quite high.

Generally, this chart didn't surprise me much. In my teaching philosophy, the focus should be more on taking care of the students and making sure they receive positive and critical ideas about the society. Teachers can have a stronger influence on students' social understanding than they can expect. They need to be aware of the impact they can have and try to use this impact as a tool to build a better world for the future generations.

One questions I have is as an educator, should we focus on the perspectives that we have more passion about or should we be more balanced to ensure that we will not be too biased in our teaching?


  1. Good question. We can't avoid emphasizing what we are passionate about -- but I think it is also important to develop ourselves as well-rounded teachers (and you seem to be pretty balanced from your TPI scores!)


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