Unit Plan

EDCP 342A Unit planning

Eric Lou
Richmond Secondary School, Math 9

Topic of unit: Linear Relationship and Inequalities

Preplanning questions:

(1) Why do we teach this unit to secondary school students?

Linear relationship and inequalities is vital in multiple areas of science in secondary teaching. There are a lot of topics that need students to apply certain knowledge of linear relations since many relations learned in introduction of physics, chemistry and biology are linear. Students need this part of knowledge to be able to solve for answers in science equations and do approximations in some special cases in science. On the other hand, linear relationship is the foundation of further learning the concept of balancing and solving equations. That makes knowledge of this chapter vital to learning grade 9 and higher-level math courses, especially pre-calculus and calculus 12.

I hope students can fully understand the value and meaning of linear relationship and be able to solve basic linear equations and inequalities. They should have the capability to identify the application of linear relations in real-life situations and solve for answers.

Students should be intrinsically motivated when they find out this topic is applied to many aspects of their daily life. Thus, they would understand that linear relationship is not hard to learn also quite important.

(2) A mathematics project connected to this unit:

Unit Project(group of no more than 4):

Students need to find a pattern they observed in some places other than math classes and identify at least one linear relationship inside the pattern. The resource of the pattern can be anything other than math class. They are encouraged to find some patterns from real-life situations, video games, comic books, TV shows or anything.

They will be given some examples as height of stairs, their own height from year to year, the “coins” they spend on reviving their characters from video games at different levels, the weight of iron man suits of different models, etc.

After they decide what their topic is, they would need to do their own research on that topic to find numbers and list their resources. Then they need to identify a pattern inside those numbers and find all the linear relations they can find inside the pattern.
The next step is to model at least one of the linear relations and use some examples to prove it is correct. Since the patterns are from “real” cases, students will also need to explain why they think the numbers have that linear relation.

They need to write a formal project report in no more than 4 pages. They are welcomed to include graphs and pictures in their report.

Then they need to prepare a 10-minute group presentation to the whole class.

During the presentation, each group need to listen carefully and do a peer assessment for each other group. They will be given the assessing rubric at the beginning of this project and they will use this rubric to assess other groups’ projects.

Their final mark of the unit project would be: 70% project report + 20% peer assessment from other groups + 10% how they assessed other groups

(3) Assessment and evaluation: 

Check students’ reactions during the lesson to see if they understand the concepts and steps. Make some adjustments of pacing if necessary. 

During the in-class practice, walk around the classroom to check on their individual working status and see if anyone need additional help on understanding or calculation.

Check the homework of prior class for their completion and understanding.

Check students’ project reports and their peer reviews to check their understanding of this unit and their ability to assess others’ projects.

Mark their unit tests. Give back the unit tests and let students make corrections and hand those test back to teacher.

Understanding Linear Equations
Solving Basic Equations
Removing Fractions, Decimals and Parentheses
Linear Inequalities
Adding and Subtracting Linear Inequalities
Multiplying Linear Inequalities
Applications of Linear Equations
Applications of Linear Inequalities
Unit Project Introduction and Work Block
Unit Review #1 and Work Block
Project Report
Unit Review #2 and Unit Test

Math 9 Understanding Linear Equations Lesson Plan

Subject: Math
Grade: 9
Jan 29th, 2018
80 min
Lesson Overview
   The lesson will talk about linear relationship
   Students will learn what is a linear relationship and where can they find the application of that in real-life situations
Class Profile


   Students have just finished a unit on polynomials, they have learned how to add/ subtract/ multiply/ divide polynomials. They have already done some problems of solving linear equations in their previous homework without know that.
   29 students, 16 male and 13 female

   23 students, 10 male and 13 female

Big Idea

   The principles and processes underlying operations with numbers apply equally to algebraic situations and can be described and analyzed.

Curriculum Competencies

   Apply multiple strategies to solve problems in both abstract and contextualized situations
   Visualize to explore mathematical concepts

Lesson Stages
 Learning Activities
Time Allotted

   Briefly myself and the experience I had when I was learning this unit. Tell students that I’ve also had some problems while I was learning these concepts. So, it is normal for them to be confused at first. But they can feel free to ask me any questions they have and improve their understanding on this unit.
   Review the content of last class. Show 6 equations on the projector (or write them on the whiteboard if technology fails) and let students identify if they are true or false. There are three true equations, one false equation and two equations that are neither true or false because there are variables in them. After they have answers, let them explain why. For the equations that students are not sure true or false, give students two numbers to replace the variables then let them decide whether the equations are true or not. And introduce the topic of today’s class: understanding linear equations.
   After introducing the topic, let the students form groups of no more than 4 people (2 tables). Give each group a K-W-L-Q chart. Let the students discuss what they already know and what they want to know about the topic (K and W). After 3 minutes of discussion, each group will write the thoughts on their chart. Walk around and observe their discussion.
   Let students volunteer and write down some Ks from their group discussions on the whiteboard. Talk about the things they have written down on the whiteboard and make some corrections (if any).
   Then let them share things they want to know the most and try to make sure to cover those parts in the lesson. If that is not practical, try to include those things in next lesson.
15 min
Addition Principle
   Give students the set of notes and algebra tiles.
   Let students take a look at the first 3 pairs of linear equations. They are equivalent equations for each pair that can be transformed by using addition. Let them talk about what they have noticed and share their ideas with their neighbours.
   Don’t give them answers. Let the students try to model those expressions using algebra tiles, see if the answers matches what they’ve noticed.
   Introduce the addition principle: for any real numbers a, b and c: a = b implies that a + c = b + c
   Lead the class to solve the first two questions using the addition principle, make sure to go over every step and every detail. Explain your thoughts for each step. Keep paying attention to students reactions to see if you need to repeat some of the steps one more time.
   Take a volunteer to do the next question on whiteboard to check their understanding.
   Give them five minutes to work on the forth and fifth question.
20 min
Multiplication Principle
   Let students take a look at the next 3 pairs of linear equations. They are equivalent equations for each pair that can be transformed by using multiplication. Let them talk about what they have noticed and share their ideas with their neighbours.
   Don’t give them answers. Let students plug in same number for the variables in those equations and check if they had the correct ideas.
   Introduce the multiplication principle: for any real numbers a, b and c: a = b implies that a * c = b * c
   Lead the class to solve the first two questions using the multiplication principle, make sure to go over every step and every detail. Explain your thoughts for each step. Keep paying attention to students reactions to see if you need to repeat some of the steps one more time.
   Take a volunteer to do the next question on whiteboard to check their understanding.
   Give them five minutes to work on the next two questions.
20 min
Algebra Tiles and Applications

  Solve the next two linear equations using algebra tiles
  Let students solve two questions using algebra tiles
  Then tell students to clean up and put the algebra tiles back in the box.
   Show students some applications of linear equations in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  Then let the students work on the rest of the questions on that page or exercise 6.1. Check their homework from last class and answer questions if they have any. Then work around and check how they are doing. Explain certain steps if someone is confused.
15 min

   Ask the students to go back to their groups to finish their K-W-L-Q charts: have a quick discussion for 3 minutes and write down what they have learned in this class and what questions do they still have for this topic.
   Let them share the things they have on those charts and try to answer the questions they still have.
   Assign exercise 6.1 and the rest of questions on notes as homework. Tell them I will check their homework for completion next class.

Materials and Equipment Needed for this Lesson
   KWLQ charts
   White Board

Assessment/Evaluation of Students’ Learning
   Check students’ reactions during the lesson to see if they understand the concepts and steps. Make adjustments of pacing if necessary.
   During the in-class practice, walk around the classroom to check on their individual working status and see if anyone need additional help on understanding and calculation.
  Collect their KWLQ charts to see if they still have any questions
  Check the homework next class for their completion

Math 9 Applications of Linear Equations Lesson Plan

Subject: Math
Grade: 9
Feb 14th, 2018
80 min
Lesson Overview
   The lesson will talk about application of linear equations
   They will learn about patterns of number that have linear relations
Class Profile


   Students have learned linear equations and inequality

   29 students, 16 male and 13 female

   23 students, 10 male and 13 female

Big Idea

   The principles and processes underlying operations with numbers apply equally to algebraic situations and can be described and analyzed.

Curriculum Competencies

   Apply multiple strategies to solve problems in both abstract and contextualized situations
   Visualize to explore mathematical concepts

Lesson Stages
 Learning Activities
Time Allotted
“Boring” application of linear equations

   Review the content of last class. Show 3 linear equations on the projector (or write them on the whiteboard if technology fails) and let students solve those equations.
   And introduce the topic of today’s class: application of linear equations
   Show them two word problems on application of linear equations and give them 5 minutes to work on them
   They can check with their neighbors to see if they have the same answer when they are finished
   Solve the two questions in front
   Ask students if this is too boring for them and introduce our special topic today : arithmetic sequence
25 min
Application of inequalities (arithmetic sequence)
   Give students the set of notes.
  • What is an arithmetic sequence (a, d, and n)?
  • What is a finite arithmetic sequence? (2, 5, 8, 11) (Use examples from warm-up)
  • What is an infinite arithmetic sequence? (3, 6, 9, 12, 15...)
  • It is harder to locate a specific term in an infinite sequence by counting them. What should we do? ---- Find a general formula!
  • Given t1=a, t2, and t3:
    • Generate a formula for t2 and t3 in terms of a(t1) and d
    • Predict what t4 and t5 will be
    • Predict what t10 will be
    • Find a formula for tn (let students guess first)
  • Tn = t1 + (n - 1)d
                     = tn-1 + d
·       Note that it is a linear function(link to previous lessons if possible)
  • Special Cases: If the given terms are not adjacent, how do we find a and d? Example: Given T2, T5, T7
25 min

  • Arithmetic sequence activity:
    • Students pair up
    • Part I
    • On a sheet of paper, list two sets of uncompleted sequences with the first, second, and fourth terms (with positive common difference that is a whole number)
    • Exchange their sequences with another group
    • Find the third and fifth terms of the given arithmetic sequence
    • Find a, d, and the formula for Tn

    • Part II
    • Make two more sequences on another sheet of paper. This time they need to have a negative common difference or a common difference that is not a whole number
    • Exchange their sequences with other groups and solve for the same things
40 min

   Assign exercise 6.6 as homework. Tell them I will check their homework for completion next class.
   Let students work on the homework for the last 15 minutes of class.

Materials and Equipment Needed for this Lesson
   White Board

Assessment/Evaluation of Students’ Learning
   Check students’ reactions during the lesson to see if they understand the concepts and steps.
   Check the sequences they have to see if their understanding is limited
   Check the homework next class for their completion 

Math 9 Applications of Linear Inequalities Lesson Plan

Subject: Math
Grade: 9
Feb 16th, 2018
80 min
Lesson Overview
  The lesson will talk about application of linear inequalities
   They will play a scavenger hunt on graphing inequalities
Class Profile


  Students have learned how to graph a linear inequality

   29 students, 16 male and 13 female

   23 students, 10 male and 13 female

Big Idea

   The principles and processes underlying operations with numbers apply equally to algebraic situations and can be described and analyzed.

Curriculum Competencies

   Apply multiple strategies to solve problems in both abstract and contextualized situations
   Visualize to explore mathematical concepts

Lesson Stages
 Learning Activities
Time Allotted

   Review the content of last class. Show 3 inequalities on the projector (or write them on the whiteboard if technology fails) and let students solve those equations.
   Then let students graph those inequalities on their own graphing paper.
   And introduce the topic of today’s class: application of linear inequalities
10 min
Application of inequalities
   Give students the set of notes.
   There are two images of flags on that note.
  Identify the linear equation of each line on the flag and let students identify the inequalities behind coloring the flags
  They can have a discussion on how to use inequality to draw these flags
  Divide students into groups of no more than 4 people. They will have 15 minutes to draw one flag they really like (it can be a national flag, a flag from a game or any other flags as long as it is appropriate).
   They need to have some equations and inequalities to explain the process of drawing the flag. They can also explain what do the shapes represent.
25 min
Scavenger Hunt

   Objective: To practice graphing linear inequalities given in standard form. Vertical and horizontal lines included.
   Print 20 stations and scatter around the room (and in the hallway if possible but not too far).
   Distribute the recording worksheet to each student, then place students in groups of 2-3 and assign a random starting problem. Students scan the QR code on the card to reveal the problem.
   They must convert to slope-intercept form, graph, and shade the inequality. Their graph will lead them to the next problem.
   They will continue until they have looped through all 20 stations.
   When they finish, they can show teacher the recording sheet that is finished. And the first three student who finish the game will get a price.
35 min

   Assign exercise 6.7 (unit review) as homework. Tell them I will check their homework for completion next class.
   Let students work on the homework for the last 10 minutes of class.

Materials and Equipment Needed for this Lesson
   White Board

Assessment/Evaluation of Students’ Learning
  Check students’ reactions during the lesson to see if they understand the concepts and steps.
  Check their flag project to see if they understand how to graph inequalities
   Check the homework next class for their completion


  1. Thanks for this unit outline, Eric!

    Rationale: What you say is true, but you haven't given any specific examples of linear relationships in the sciences and other applications. You will need to have some of these specific examples at your fingertips to help your students really understand how this topic relates to real life! See if you can add four or five varied examples (and perhaps have another 4 or 5 in mind in case you need them.

    Project: Great ideas, and it will be very helpful for students to relate their math learning to an intriguing real-life situation! They will need to have a pretty firm grasp of what makes a relationship linear, so working through a few of the examples you mention will be a very important part of preparing to do the project. (They may also need to have some sense of what a non-linear relationship looks like in contrast.)

    Assessment plan: Good. You have a variety of different kinds of tasks and assessment modes here. You may need to find a way to keep records of your more informal assessments so that you can document changes, improvements, etc. throughout the term.

    Unit elements: Good!

    Lesson plans: #1 - I like the idea of using algebra tiles, and letting students explore equivalent equations without prompting or guiding them too much at first! The KWLQ charts are a great idea too, but I wonder whether the class will understand enough about the topic at this point to be able to articulate their knowledge, questions, etc. How will you introduce linear equations so that they have enough background to be able to make sense of the KWLQ prompts? I would be careful not to start off with a negative statement in your introduction ('I found this difficult too') as it may put you on the wrong footing for the whole unit and may make students scared of the topic. Instead, you might want to put a positive spin on it -- perhaps something like 'This is such a beautiful and satisfying topic, where you master skills so that hidden secrets are revealed at the end! You'll be learning lots of new things, so don't be afraid to ask questions as you get gradually develop your algebraic powers.' Or something like that! You may find that some of your timing estimates are a bit too short, so be prepared to make decisions about what to cut if you need to. Be careful about having one student volunteer come up to the whiteboard to solve a new problem; that can be nerve-racking for even the most confident student, and doesn't necessarily show where the whole class is in the learning. Instead, you may want to have 3, 4 or 5 groups come up to the boards to work together all at the same time, so that they can self-check and collaborate.

  2. #2: The topic appears to be arithmetic sequences, rather than applications of linear equations... Good to clarify definitions and to derive the formula for Tn of an arithmetic sequence. The group activities sound interesting and fun. But why spend the first 25 minutes of the class on something you think might be boring -- and why ask the students if they found it boring? It's better to focus on the positive rather than the negative, and to plan the lessons so that they (and you) won't find them boring! The inclusion of some (unspecified) word problems on applications seems to be a bit distracting, and not really on the topic of arithmetic sequences. However, if you can find a couple of really intriguing puzzles or problems that connect with this topic, that might be well worth doing! I did a quick search and found this puzzle that might be interesting -- or you might find better ones : https://puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/6150/sequence-brain-teaser-fill-the-gaps-to-create-arithmetic-sequences

    #3: I like the flag drawing/ colouring activity as a way to explore graphing inequalities -- great idea! The scavenger hunt sounds interesting but will take quite a bit of preparation on your part. Your SA will need to see much more detail about the questions and goals of the scavenger hunt, and how it will work in practical terms, so be prepared to give a much more detailed description. Does every student have a smart phone that can read QR codes? (If not, how will you deal with getting this set up, or using an alternative strategy?) And once again, the opening to your lesson seems a bit flat in comparison to the exciting things you have planned further on. It might be worthwhile working on developing more exciting 'hooks' or intros to your lessons so that students are anticipating the great lessons you have planned!

    Overall: Good work. More detail needed in some places, and please give attention to your lesson openings, but you have lots of great ideas and approaches!


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