Battleground Schools

The first stop I had was the fact that there was a time when most of the math teachers didn't have a strong mathematical background. Being educated by those teachers could send students a wrong signal that math is hard, even for the teachers. Also, those teachers did not have a positive attitude towards learning mathematics can have a quite negative influence on students' learning.

Another stop I had was the moment I found out the movement of enhancing mathematical education was started by the government in order to produce more capable people to serve the country in the armament race. This would add a political value to math education. It could even let students believe that learning math is only required for becoming political elites who wanted to work for the government and math should not be a still for everyone.

The biased report from the media was my third stop. Although I am aware that articles from media always contain their own biases and ideologies, it still surprised me that many of those reports covered the negative aspects of educations. It's almost students' nature to dislike schools and learning, the public should help them to better accept the bright sides of learning rather than feeding them with negative news. Social reforming is another role of media. They should help people to be more educated rather than ruining their faith in public education.


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