My mathematical past

  • Somethings that really reached me as a math learner
       There was a meeting with the principal before I entered grade 1. The principal asked me if I know what is 1 + 1. I said it should be 2. Then she asked why. I couldn't answer that because no one told me. And she said, "school is the place you learn about the reason". Many years had passed and I still don't know why is 1 + 1 = 2. But that conversation did inspire me on learning math.
  • Frustrations with math learning
       When I cannot fully understand what the equations are about, memorizing the details was extremely hard to me.
  • A math teacher you want to emulate
       I once had a math teacher who always had amazing examples to the concepts we were about to learn. He kept the classroom in a positive and energetic learning environment. Students wouldn't lose interest because the content was too hard.
  • A math teacher whose ways you want to avoid
       The math teacher in secondary school had a strong personal opinion towards those students are not that good academically. It had a huge negative impact on my interest not only in my math learning but also in my life. 


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